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    1st Newsletter: Launching the Sport GVP Project: A defining step towards preventing gender-based violence in sport

    Sport GVP launches its ambitious bid to prevent and tackle gender-based violence in and through sport!

    The Preventing Gender Based Violence in and through Sport project (Sport GVP) held its kick-off meeting in Nicosia, Cyprus between 25-26th of April to start the partners’ coordinated effort to address a critical issue that has persisted in the sports world for a long time.

    Sport GVP is a comprehensive programme that seeks to address and prevent gender-based violence in sports and their surrounding environments.

    It endeavours to study, analyse, and document the various forms and extent of gender-based violence existing in sports, providing a foundation upon which recommendations for effective intervention can be built. This initiative isn’t just about identifying the problem – it’s about educating and equipping sports professionals and stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to actively combat it.

    At its heart, Sport GVP is about awareness and action.

    Key objectives of the project include inducing the understanding of gender-based violence among sports professionals and stakeholders, empowering them to identify and address incidents successfully. To this end, Sport GVP seeks to bolster the capacity of sports professionals to engage athletes in crucial discussions about gender and violence prevention. Moreover, the project aims to support sports organisations and federations in implementing robust prevention and protection mechanisms. By producing a comprehensive report on “Gender Based Violence and Sport – Realities, Challenges, and Responses”, along with a training package and an interactive eLearning platform, the project endeavours to equip stakeholders with the resources they need to effect and achieve real change.

    The anticipated impact of the Sport GVP project is profound. The research initiative seeks to extend its influence much beyond its immediate participants, with an estimated 550 sports professionals and stakeholders participating. Through events and awareness-raising activities, Sport GVP seeks to engage over 100,000 individuals and professionals, catalysing a widespread shift in attitudes and behaviours surrounding gender-based violence in sports.

    The kick-off meeting of the Sport GVP project signs a new era of accountability and advocacy within the sports community. By confronting the issue of gender-based violence head-on and equipping stakeholders with the tools and knowledge needed to address it effectively, Sport GVP is an outstanding sign of progress, motioning a collective commitment to fostering safe and inclusive sporting environments for all.

    Central to the discussions of the consortium were the insights deduced from the consortium’s desk research aimed to examine existing studies, policy papers and reports on the fields in each of the implementing countries to identify the extent and forms of gender-based violence, behavioral patterns, legal framework, and best practices to inform the development of an effective support package for coaches, trainers, practitioners, and educators.

    For more information on the project, please visit the website at


    Key facts

    Project period: January 2024-December 2025

    Co-funded by: Erasmus+ Sport Cooperation Partnerships

    Grant amount: €250,000

    Project partners

    1. EDEX – Educational Excellence Corporation Limited, Cyprus, Coordinator
    2. ISCA – International Sport and Culture Association, Denmark, Partner
    3. CESIE, Italy, Partner
    4. KMOP – Education & Innovation Hub, Greece, Partner
    5. CARDET – Centre for the Advancement of Research in Educational Technology Ltd, Cyprus, Partner
    6. TAKT – Zdruzenie Za Unapreduvanje Megusebna Dobrevna, North-Macedonia, Partner
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    Project Number : 101133538
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